Welcome at Budkov geomagnetic observatory

These pages presents the results of the geomagnetic observations carried out at the Budkov Observatory near Prachatice. It has been in noninterrupted operation since 1967. Details of the site and buildings are given in the yearbook 1967.
Station id is BDV,
Geographic coordinates: Latitude 49° 04' N; Longitude 14° 01' E; Altitude 496 m
Geomagnetic coordinates after IGRF 1990: L 97° 40'; F 48° 48'; Y -17.5°
Observatory data are presented in systems Intermagnet and CzechGeo

Recording instruments are:
Set of Bobrov type variometers (photographic recording with speed 20mm/h).
CanMOS system with NAROD three axis fluxgate magnetometer (short cable variant) accompanied by the ELSEC820 PPM. The digital records enable to obtain successfully the 1 minute values of X,Y,Z and F in 10 pT resolution.
G-DAS system with DMI three axis fluxgate magnetometer and GEM Overhauser PPM. The digital records enable to obtain 1 sec. values of H,D,Z and 5 sec. values of F in 100 pT resolution.
Standalone GSM90-1 PPM capable to obtain 1 sec values of F with resolution of 10 pT
Standalone NAROD ringcore fluxgate sensor with digital signal processing capable to obtain 190 Hz value of D,I,F with resolution of 1 pT The temperature in all variometer rooms has been controlled by means of thermostatically discontinous-regulated electric heaters.

Instrument datas

Plot routines are implemented in javascript with canvas library. Quality of plots depends on properties of Your computer. You need to have enabled javascript in Your browser; in case of drawing long chunk of sec. data You must accept long running time of the script. All datas here are instrument datas (without bases).
G-DAS system: minute data
G-DAS system: second data
G-DAS system: k-indices

CanMOS system: second data (since 13.7.2014)

DMI fluxgate sensor
Bocni II/1401
14131 Prague 4
Czech Republic
phone: +420-267 103 111
fax: +420-272 761 549

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